We are Diversified...

Preston Protein Products
Preston Protein Products was added to the DI family in 2020, but the facility has produced quality dairy products since 1910. Preston Protein Products specializes in processing and drying fluid dairy products and is capable of producing highly functional food grade blends.
Riverside Rice
Riverside Rice sources quality brown rice, rice hulls and other rice products from local farmers for the pet food customers Diversified Ingredients supplies around the world.

DI Meadville
DI Meadville is a rail transloading, storage and distribution center located in Meadville, PA. This site has bin storage for specialty grains, flat storage and a fleet of trucks that service northeastern customer locations.

IDS is a transloading, storage and distribution center located in Golden City, MO. IDS provides flat storage for rendered products, imported meals, and specialty pet food ingredients. This site also has bin storage for specialty grains, screening capabilities and a fleet of trucks that service midwestern customers.